Unique Ladies UK Limited - Wise Women

Every First Friday of the month


Frances Day, 07765060043

£22 incl VAT

Women who work for themselves usually do this because they find themselves either burned out by trying to do everything for someone else or have young children and find themselves at home, with a natural break in their career and it feels like a good time to choose a more flexible income option.

What I see is that they start out charging less than the going rate because they believe that this is the way that they'll get more customers. Or because of their own self worth, they believe that they cannot charge more because people can't afford it.

I want to tell you that you are worth it. The work that you do is valuable and there are ways in which you can get paid what you're worth!

During this session, I'll share with you the different theories of pricing.

We'll explore which pricing packages would feel aligned with your energy

Tried and tested pricing packages that have worked for me.

During this session, we'll look at the psychology of pricing. We examine the theory behind pricing and challenge you to think about how much you charge.

Time is not money - there is another way!

In the second half of the meeting, we'll do our usual mastermind, where one woman will get the opportunity to be in the hot seat and have her challenge unpicked, with fabulous advice from around the room. We will end with a powerful Consciousness Journey to help release any residual energy that is stopping you from becoming the woman in business that you know you're meant to be.

Event Organised By

Unique Ladies UK Limited


We're in our 9th year of networking! Unique Ladies was formed in March 2015 and has grown from strength to strength. These networks are perfect for women in business no matter where they are on their business journey, and especially work for lone workers, home workers, and ladies who need a regular fix of real camaraderie. With these groups, you are supported, encouraged, challenged and appreciated - whatever line of business you are in. No pressure - FREE MEMBERSHIP - come and see for yourself.

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