Positives in a pandemic

What a difference the support of a weekly meeting can make

  • Alyson Roach (BNI HAMPSHIRE UK)
  • Thursday 7 January 2021

BNI Hampshire really thrived last year. We were delighted by how well the meetings transferred online: the region has welcomed over 100 new members - in fact, we saw 86% growth compared to 2019. Many members said their weekly meeting was like a lifeline or a beacon of light during lockdown, giving them something to look forward to, seeing their business buddies, and that sense of belonging and support that everyone gives one other.

We all saw how charities suffered during the pandemic: as Executive Director of BNI Hampshire, I personally sponsored each of the charities in our chapters, both as new or renewing members. Additionally, I introduced a special offer of one totally FREE member space per chapter to an entrepreneur who had started their business in the last 12 months.

The 14 chapters also have a LOT of fun … business doesn't have to be boring!!


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