# BeYourself

Life Juicing is please to announce the introduction of their 20 week Programme...the #BeYourself The #BeYourSelf Programme has been developed to help you uncover those beliefs and to help you see yourself as the amazing wonderful being that you are, capable of doing whatever you set your mind to!

  • Yasmeen Ali (Life Juicing)
  • Tuesday 22 September 2015

Are you feeling stuck, have a goal or want to create more of the life YOU want?

Do you believe that you a product of your circumstances?

Do you believe that the path your life has taken has been determined by things beyond your control?

Do you think your mind is holding you back from being the best you can be, from living and being your full potential?

If the answers to the above are yes then let us help you find out what is holding you back?

The BeYourSelf Programme has been developed to help you uncover those beliefs and to help you see yourself as the amazing wonderful being that you are, capable of doing whatever you set your mind to!

How does the Programme work?

This is a step-by-step self-coaching guide where you will receive one lesson every week for the next 20 weeks, covering a wide range of topics, allowing you to work from the comfort and privacy of your own home and at your own pace, so you can take as long as you like to complete the Programme.

You will also have access to myself via email or Skype to discuss your progress.

The cost of the Programme is spread over the 20 weeks, and you have the option to cancel at any time you wish.

The BeYourSelf Programme is all about bringing your authenticity into your life every day for the rest of your life...!!

This programme will allow you to:

Dare to imagine your life exactly how you desire it to be

Believe and trust that you can achieve whatever your heart desires.

Become what you dream of....

Contact us on info@lifejuicing.co.uk for further details or to sign up.


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