Support Don't Sell

It is very easy to adopt a 'selling mode' when attending Networking events; try looking to see how you can support and collaborate instead.

  • Helen Bennett (The Business Network)
  • Thursday 3 April 2014

Early on in my 20 years of hosting Business Network events I realized that Networking was not really about a hard sell but more about establishing meaningful, long term business relationships. Learning that lesson has resulted in events that attract senior decision-makers; either Managing Directors, Senior Partners or Business Owners, who feel confident that they are not going to be sold to, but who can support each other by passing relevant leads and looking for opportunities to collaborate. This in turn results in groups with longevity as members have no desire to walk away from the 'support network' they have built up over time. In Manchester, the fact that we have had more than 100 people book for each monthly event in the last 10 years means that both members and guests have regular access to a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be invaluable when running a business. As one of our London members said, 'collaboration is the new economy', so next time you are at a networking event, look to see how you can be of help to your fellow Networkers.

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