6.00 inc VAT
We are a friendly and well established group for local women in business to connect, make friends and support one another. Meetings are on the last Thursday of each month at The Hogs Back Hotel, Farnham GU10 1EU
To attend
1.Book online via Eventbrite to reserve your place for the meeting date you are attending. https://bit.ly/LWLFarnham
2. When you arrive at the meeting, check in and pay £6 for unlimited coffee/tea
Everyone has the opportunity at our meetings to give a brief introduction to their business and mention any support/offers/contacts they are looking for help with.
Please remember to bring business cards and leaflets to display on the table for others to pick up. No product displays allowed.
COST: £6.00 Unlimited teas or coffee
Ladies Who Latte Farnham
We are a friendly and well established group for local women in business to connect, make friends and support one another.
Everyone has the opportunity at our meetings to give a brief introduction to their business and mention any support/offers/contacts they are looking for help with.
To attend
1.Book online to reserve your place for the meeting date you are attending.
2. When you arrive at the meeting, check in and pay £6 for unlimited coffee/tea
Please remember to bring business cards and leaflets to display on the table for others to pick up. No product displays allowed.
COST: £6.00 Unlimited teas or coffee
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