BNI is a referral organisation that creates and develops business communities with a Givers Gain philosophy. At our meetings you will be able to network with a team of like-minded business professionals looking to help each other.
The meeting takes place over lunch using a 20 point agenda with a proven structure focussed on building relationships and generating quality referrals.
BNI Scotland South and East Region
BNI builds, develops and maintains economic communities of local business people and are active globally in over 69 countries. We educate these teams to be brilliant at passing quality referral business to one another while using a 'Givers Gain' philosophy.
Our groups use regional support from business professionals working through word of mouth marketing to promote and develop business
We provide a structured, supportive, environment in which local business people can get together to network, learn valuable new marketing skills and develop the strong personal relationships that lead to trust and the consequent generation of significant business.
BNI is the world's foremost referral marketing system, using fun, networking and relationships to achieve, to date, 31 years of success.
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