Devon Women in Business - Devon Women in Business Donkey Walking and Networking Lunch

Thu 27 June 2024 12 noon - 2.30pm

Lower Whitsleigh Farm, Roborough, Winkleigh,, EX19 8TU

Maureen Townsend & Louise Jenner, 07717 130226 / 07766 250192

£20 member discounts apply

You can rely on us to make women-only networking fun! This month we're off to Whitsleigh Farm, the home of the North Devon Hog Roast for a networking lunch with a difference. DWIB Award Winner Sam Hastings will share her home and donkeys for this event. She will provide a light lunch and make a short presentation about her story and the obstacles she has overcome in creating her businesses.

After lunch, attendees will be able to walk the donkeys!*

About Lower Whitsleigh Farm

Lower Whitsleigh Farm was originally built around 300 years ago. For most of its life it has been a working dairy farm, originally sited in over 400 acres.

Your hosts are Sam & Andy, Rufus their friendly ex-guide dog, Daphne & Delilah (their two rescue donkeys) the Tamworth Piglets, rabbits and their ex-battery hens. They aim to make your visit enjoyable, relaxing, rewarding and entertaining.

About the donkeys

Daphne (brown and white) & Delilah (hairier grey one) are both rescues from the Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth. They have been with us since 2014, moving down from Essex in 2018. They are still quite young (Donkeys live up to around 60 years), estimated to have been born in 2012. Both are very friendly, gentle and love attention. They are very inquisitive and as with any animal, please be careful around them and avoid approaching from behind or quick movements / loud noises which may spook them. Both adore the odd carrot, apple and their absolute favourite things are ginger biscuits, but please, not too much and mind fingers!


When you book, you'll receive an email so you can choose from the following menu and pre-order.

Pulled Pork in BBQ sauce with apple sauce in a bap or

Halloumi Burger (v) or

Plant-based Burger (v) (All served with salad.) Plus:

Carrot Cake or

Chocolate Brownie Plus:

Tea and Coffee


*If the weather isn't kind to us on the day, the event will be held in a barn and the donkeys will be brought inside.


If you have any fold-up picnic chairs, please bring them along as seating is limited.

Event Organised By

Devon Women in Business


A networking organisation open to female business owners and employees across Devon. We also organise the annual Devon Women in Business Awards

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