Business Networking Group Profile: Fabulous Women

In our latest networking group profile we hear from Paullette Schwartz who gives us an insight into her growing business network Fabulous Women

  • Stuart Russell
  • Thursday 18 April 2013
Business Networking Group Profile: Fabulous Women

How long has the organisation been running events?

We have been running fundraising events for two years and networking groups for just over a year.

Where do you run your events and how frequently?

The groups run across the South East and London at the moment. We have over 40 groups now and are opening new ones every month. Each group runs on a specific day of the month eg, 3rd Wednesday

Briefly describe your events?

It does differ between the groups. Fabulous Women Netwins are a combination of formal and informal networking where we put support, collaboration and sharing know-how at the heart of our meetings.

Each meeting gives attendees the opportunity to present their business in a 40-60 second introduction. Then we have two slots for speakers: one for personal development and one for business development. Often group leaders host a "HotSeat" where a regular attendee or member can ask the group for feedback, insights and so on. This is a very popular format and we are currently changing our agenda to incorporate these more often.

Refreshments are provided and a light breakfast is available.

What do you think makes your events different?

An attendee came up me yesterday and said she had tried other networking groups and found Fabulous Women to be a breath of fresh air because we didn’t pretend to be anything we are not.

Our atmosphere is inclusive, supportive and honest. Feedback consistently indicated people like coming to our meetings because they can relax and enjoy themselves outside of a more formal (often cited as "stuffy") environment.

We find in this context business referrals happen naturally because the relaxed and informal environment encourages people to talk to each other freely and build relationships.

We have no membership requirement and welcome men. In addition to the networking groups we offer affordable training.

What kinds of businesses attend your events?

Generally small and micro businesses attend the Netwinning, of course largely female although we do have a 10% male demographic.

Our new Inspirer groups are aimed at businesses who have been operating for more than 2 years and are on a growth trajectory.

What is your top tip for people attending your events?

Relax, smile and remember business can be fun.

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