The UK's largest virtual summit with 100 female company founders

Get involved ready for 8 March 2020 in celebration of International Women's Day, join us for an exclusive virtual business summit with 100 female company founders.

  • Angela De Souza (Women's Business Club)
  • Wednesday 27 March 2019

"The UK's largest virtual summit with 100 female company founders"

Get involved ready for 8 March 2020 in celebration of International Women's Day, join us for an exclusive virtual business summit with 100 female company founders. Free to watch, £10 to apply to speak. Speakers, get your brand in front of thousands of UK businesswomen (over 100,000 if we achieve our goal!) for years to come, once your profile and video is live we will keep it on our site indefinitely. Viewers, tap into the ultimate collection of expert videos talks, stories from over 100 women who have found a UK company.

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