Networker Profile: Nicholas Stobbs

Nicholas Stobbs, Partner in a London based boutique valuation partnership, describes his typical networking month.

  • Stuart Russell
  • Wednesday 6 February 2013

What is your business called?

Vequity Intelligence LLP

Briefly describe what your business does?

Vequity Intelligence is a boutique valuation partnership, based in London and Leeds, providing a specialist approach to the valuation of unquoted shares, businesses, intangible assets and all forms of intellectual property ("IP") for tax and non-tax purposes.

Which networking group(s) do you attend?

My networking activities are broadly split between professional events and social groups.

I attend a range of professional events arranged on a regular basis focused on creating a relaxed and non-sales environment. Such events are generally invite only, restricted to between 30 and 100 people and involve a guest speaker. They aim to provide a 'tactical' event where people who would be interested in doing business together can make introductions, build face-to-face relationships and grow their network. An example of these events would be the Small Cap & Fast Growth Entrepreneur Clubs based in London.

I involve myself with a number of social groups based in and around Cambridgeshire. We meet on a more frequent basis, usually weekly, and all members are well known to each other. Initially, upon joining the group, there is an opportunity to grow your network and over time as you become familiar will the group attention turns to the social side and occasionally referrals are exchanged. an example of these groups would be investment clubs, round table and rotary.

How often do you attend networking events?

If you were to look back at my diary you would see that I attend professional events on a regular basis, between 6 and 10 per month. My involvement with social groups is dictated by my working schedule, they meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and attendance is expected at 75% of meetings throughout the year.

How much of your business is directly or indirectly derived from attending business networking events?

It is very hard to answer this question with an exact figure. We work with a diverse range of clients either directly or through an intermediary, usually the clients adviser. Building face-to-face relationships with professional advisers and business owners has a positive impact on the growth of our business. In summary, networking should be one element of a varied marketing plan for your business.

What format of networking event do you most enjoy?

Regular 'tactical' events that involve guest speakers with a variety of professionals in attendance and great entertainment.

What do you feel you gain from attending networking events

An increased profile, credibility and an opportunity to learn about a diverse range of professional advisers and businesses.

What is your top networking tip?

Be interested in people, what they do and what they have to say.

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